The Alabama Banner | January 2025

Newsletter of the Alabama Department, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, January 2025
Commander’s Column
Brothers of the Department of Alabama, this will be my last note as the Department Commander. I’d like to say how much of an honor it has been to be your commander for the past two years. We will elect new leadership soon. I’m certain that those new officers will do an excellent job carrying the Department forward with the SUVCW mission in Alabama.
Our 5th Annual Encampment will be held on March 15th, 2025 at the The Donald E. Green Active Adult Center in Cullman (625 Cleveland Ave SW, Cullman, AL 35055). As you know for the last two years we have gathered at the Masonic Hall in Millbrook. I am very thankful for that we had access to that location. It worked out very well and we have Brother Barry Spink to thank for arranging that venue for us.
Brother Scott Martin, our Department Jr Vice Commander, has secured the new location for us for 2025. The move was made to facilitate attendance to those camps who are further north in the Department. You may remember that this was the venue used for the Croxton/Spencer/Taylor joint meeting that was held last year.
Also, I’d like to congratulate the incoming 2025 commanders for each of our camps. I charge them to strive to continue to grow your camps and offer meaningful ways to memorialize and commemorate the Boys in Blue.
Croxton – James Poarch
Farragut – Eric Alford PDC
Spencer – Scott Martin
Taylor – John Crissone
Wilson – Terry Beckenbaugh
Yours in Fraternity, Charity & Loyalty
Mark E Hubbs
Department of Alabama

From the Chaplain’s Corner
Persevering with Peace
Psalm 3:1-8
1 O Lord, how many are my foes!
Many are rising against me;
2 many are saying of my soul,
“There is no salvation for him in God.” Selah
Each day as I continue trusting God through my struggles with pain, even the simplest setback can feel like a fierce enemy attacker. Problem one jabs me from the right. Problem two shoves me from behind. Problem three punches me square in the nose. During these times, when my strength wanes and immediate relief evades me, running and hiding can seem like a good idea. But since I cannot escape my pain, change my circumstances, or ignore my emotions, I must slowly learn to rely on God to carry me through.
When I need encouragement and comfort where do I go but to the Psalms. It is here as I read then carefully, I will find the comfort or encouragement that I need so much at that moment. One of the Psalms that I enjoy is where King David of ancient Israel is fleeing from his son Absalom, who wanted to kill him and take his throne. Though David lamented his painful situation, he trusted God’s protection and expected Him to answer his prayers.
3 But you, O Lord, are a shield about me,
my glory, and the lifter of my head.
4 I cried aloud to the Lord,
and he answered me from his holy hill. Selah
The king did not lose sleep worrying or fearing what could happen, because he trusted God to sustain and deliver him in his trial.
5 I lay down and slept;
I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.
6 I will not be afraid of many thousands of people
who have set themselves against me all around.
7 Arise, O Lord!
Save me, O my God!
For you strike all my enemies on the cheek;
you break the teeth of the wicked.
8 Salvation belongs to the Lord;
your blessing be on your people! Selah
Physical and emotional pain can often feel like aggressive adversaries. We may be tempted to give up or wish we could escape when we are weary and cannot see the end of our current battle. But, like David, we must learn to trust that God will hold us up and help us rest in His constant and loving presence. I pray that each one of you know this God of all comfort our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as we enter this new year 2025.
Chaplain Bill Morgan, MA; Mdiv.
Department of Alabama
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War


General James H. Wilson Camp #1

The Wilson Camp met on October 26 and elected or appointed the following officers:
- Terry Beckenbaugh- Commander
- Bruce Pickettet- Senior Vice Commander
- Gary Backus- Jr. Vice Commander
- George Lauderbaugh- Patriotic Instructor
- Eric Alford- Secretary Treasurer
- Barry Spink-Chaplain
Terry Beckenbaugh made a presentation on the Battle of Chickamauga. The brothers are eager to participate in a Staff Ride of the battlefield in 2025. After the meeting brothers enjoyed lunch at the legendary SmokeHouse in Millbrook.
John T Croxton Camp #17

Several months ago, the cemetery retaining wall collapsed and destroyed the Slab marker for Henry Rensford. Nothing could be done until the City of Birmingham engineering department determined how to repair and maintain the retaining wall.
We have gotten the approval to restore the Rensford grave maker. There are three options available. The first option is to obtain a VA headstone marker, with the only cost being to place the marker. The second option is to purchase a headstone locally. The third option is to replace the broken slab with a new slab. We can contact the cemetery to assist us as soon as we receive an answer from the VA.

Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp #53

The camp and its members have been very busy of late. Brother Richard Blanton continues his collaboration with local historian Peggy Townes, recently by obtaining the pension records of local veteran Lafayette Garth, Co. K, 111th Reg, USCI
Brother Kent Wright (left) presented a briefing on Union Naval and International Affairs to Tennessee Valley CW Round Table (Nov 14, 2024)
At the November General Membership Meeting, new Brother Billy Ray Todd was sworn in (right). His ancestor, Isam Pugh, served in the 14th US Colored Heavy Artillery. Brother Mark Hubbs gave a presentation on the weapons carried by the 1st Regiment, AL Cav (USA). New camp officers for 2025 were elected and will be sworn in a social gathering on Jan 4, 2025.

- Commander: John Crissone
- SVC: Guy Osborn
- JVC: Ralph Scott
- Sec/Treas: Mark Hubbs
- Councillor #1: Richard Blanton
- Councillor #2: Ray Cassell
- Councillor #3: Randy Cox

Brother Richard Blanton attended multiple events across southern Tennessee commemorating the Battles of Anthony Hill, Franklin, and Nashville, including the dedication of an historical marker for the USCI on Peach Orchard Hill. He also joined our TN brothers in recruiting at a Civil War show.
An article appeared on the website of The Stars and Stripes National Museum and Library on Dec 26th highlighting Brother Dan Coberly and his career as a military journalist.

Col George E Spencer Camp #67
Northwest Alabama

George E. Spencer
Brothers Joel Mize and Thurston Norris remain engaged especially with the city of Eldridge in Walker County. Brother Joel has developed excellent prehistory maps which include the migration of American bison through Northwest Alabama. The degree of analysis involved in the research and development of these maps is more than impressive. The present U. S. population of wild bison is five (5) thousand in Yellowstone Park and almost one half million more bison are on preserves and private ranches. These numbers are a far cry from the estimated 324 million in 1884. Brother Thurston continues working through his challenges with multiple avenues in pursuit of grant money for the museum. Although Eldridge has had some success, that is hopefully a positive indication for further progress. Establishing an environment of preservation and security is paramount.
One new initiative, subject to approval, is a donation to the Eldridge Children’s Home. Those residents could be volunteers in the museum and help others appreciate the local and SUV history of that area. Other such donation candidates in our area include the Lauderdale Christian Children’s Home and the Colbert County FAME Girls Ranch with a physical address in Franklin County.
We recognize that an “Adopt a School” program should be developed through internal efforts and then proceed to select schools. With quality assistance and presentations easing their workload, instructional faculty may without reservation promote the SUV education and assistance initiative to others fostering the development of young minds at other schools.
A stash of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker quarters (these were introduced in 2024) has been acquired for use as recruitment tools. We’re yet to meet a non-SUV member that was aware of Dr. Walker’s story. Men, women, and children alike need to be appropriately educated. Starting with a simple quarter one can open a dialogue and bring new awareness.
We are on the cusp of completing a ceremonial “set” for the “missing” or “lost” brother, that is, “the empty chair” likened to the absent plane in a flying formation.
Silent benefactor favors are yet to arrive perhaps due to impacts of inflation, election contributions, and/or Christmas.
God Bless Us All.
The Alabama Banner is the official publication of the Department of Alabama, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War